Thursday, March 12, 2009
Can we say no?
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
live and learn
Traveling not only opens your eyes, but your heart too.
Honduras changed my life forever. I cant wait to go back.. God showed me so much in that week. Spain also did to but in a completely different way.
True love never dies.
Hard times show just how much you care about that person to work through your problems. It helps you grow closer to that person, and see their heart.
True love doesn’t let any one interfere. Its resilient.
Sadly I have come not to respect people older then me as much as I used to. I know there is so much I can learn from them but they also need to remember what its like to be 18.. advice is great when asked for but not when its shoved down your throat.
Every day is a gift from God, and shouldn’t be taken lightly.
You never know whats going to happen day to day. Im learning this a lot since Dakota wont be here much longer. Don’t ever take any thing for granted.
Don’t take for granted good friends.
They can help when no one else can.
Coffee cures heartache.
Its okay to cry once in awhile.
Showing weakness doesn’t make you weak; it means you’re strong enough to admit when you need help.
Be Patient
Im still working on this but im learning. Some things just don’t happen as soon as you want them too.
Some times… you just cant have a plan.
Ouch… this one hurt. I plan everything down to the exact minuet things happen… and I have learned. That doesn’t always work… Newsflash: YOUR NOT IN CHARGE. Some one once told me
“Wanna make God laugh, tell him YOUR plans”
Not everyone is going to like you
and you know what, that’s okay..
Hugs help anything
Some times all we need is for some one who cares about us to hug us and say it will be okay…
Nothing beats a night at home with the family
College is overrated.
Some one once told me it doesn’t take a genius to get through college you just got to figure out how to get through it.
No matter how strongly you feel, all you can do is vote, and when you don’t win don’t hang your head in defeat. No matter who is in office they deserve respect.
Laugh at ignorance
There is not sense in fighting it.
Im still 18, and completely lost in what to do with my life, but that’s okay. I have no idea where I will be next year at this time, but that’s okay… Im going to do things that some people don’t approve of.. but that’s okay…
I learn from my mistakes and I enjoy learning. Im just figuring out who I am and what I want out of life. That’s the beauty of life, screwing up, and learning from it. You take it with a grain of salt and move forward. Don’t look back. You live, you learn, your become a better person with each step you take.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
playing with my mac
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008
THank God Tomorrow is Tuesday!

Hey Everyone!!!!