I have heard the statement over and over before that "Ignorance is Bliss". In referring to the American economy at this time, I am starting to believe this just might be true. Day to day I watch the main stream media bash the republicans and point fingers at them for the economic crisis. To me, all i hear is finger pointing and no one taking responsibility. Maybe I am a nieve eighteen year old, but I'm still wondering why everyone is pointing fingers instead of working together to reach a solution to help the american people as a whole instead of being concerned about ones party.
I saw a T-shirt today that I laughed at. It said "Everything I needed to know, I learned in Kindergarden"
Isn't this the truth.
I was thinking about this today, and the Greedy CEO's that started this economic crisis. Its kinda like in kindergarden... When everyone goes on the field trip, one little brat messes around and everyone is punished... I have never understood that concept. I always though "But, I didn't do anything wrong. I was behaving, and doing what I was supposed to. So, Why am I in trouble?"hmmm...
So i came to the conclusion Politics are CHILDISH!
America is suffering as a whole, because of the little Brat who screwed it up for everyone. Now, is that fair... no. It was not fair in Kindergarden and its not fair now. Why are we paying to "Bail" them out for their mistakes...
So that brings me to the childish mentality of America today. I see it everyday in parenting. When a child gets in trouble who bails them out... the parents. Mommy runs to the rescue to save the child from harm. Not all parenting is like this but some is. It does not matter what that child does the parents will lie to cover up for the child..this leaves the child with learned helplessness. They learn that what ever they do, they will not be held accountable for it. Some one else will come bail them out, leaving no consequences for their actions.
The CEO's are not being held responsible for their actions. All they are learning, is that no matter what they do, some one will come bail them out... pathetic.
Yes, we had to do something in this crisis to help the economy but it angers me to see what a few greedy people can do to an entire nation... but hey, what do i know...
well, on a lighter note... I passed my Psych exam on Monday! I have 2 exams tomorrow though.. ah i am nervous!!! Well.. i better go study!!!